[BC] More antiques for sale

Scott Fybush scott at fybush.com
Sat Jan 26 14:12:11 CST 2008

PeterH5322 wrote:
>> I was just out at the KPSI transmitter site
>> today and found a Bauer  
>> 707 transmitter sitting there.
> Probably a holdover from KDES ... "A George Cameron Station" ... days.
> Cameron's 1500 (upgraded from its original 1490) in Burbank had two 
> Bauers, a Bauer 10 and a Bauer 1.
> Still there at last report, although Infinity is using one of the 
> abandoned six KBLA/KBBQ/KROQ/1500 towers as an auxiliary.

The old bunker transmitter room for 1500 Burbank has long since been 
emptied of anything that was there for the AM:


As for Bauers, I just finished writing a piece on Paul Gregg for the 
next issue of Radio Guide (yes, I'm no longer with RW after almost a 
decade), and there's no question he'd be interested in hearing from 
anyone looking to part with a 707 or other vintage Bauer transmitters. 
He'll either part it out to support anyone (usually south of the border) 
who's still running one actively, or he'll find a friendly ham who'd 
love to get the old beast up and running on 160.


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