[BC] More antiques for sale

Glen Kippel glen.kippel at gmail.com
Sun Jan 27 10:41:09 CST 2008

On Jan 26, 2008 11:49 AM, PeterH5322 <peterh5322 at rattlebrain.com> wrote:

> Probably a holdover from KDES ... "A George Cameron Station" ... days.
> Cameron's 1500 (upgraded from its original 1490) in Burbank had two
> Bauers, a Bauer 10 and a Bauer 1.


Maybe.  I did transmitter watch at the new KDES site in 1968 when they first
built it, and they had a Collins 5-kW for days and a Gates 1-kW for nights
out there.  Plus a Collins FM.  The FM is long gone, but the old Collins AM
is still there for a backup.  The Gates apparently went to that great big
radio station in the sky and in its place is a Harris solid-state rig.  I
don't know of any Bauer XMTR being used there, though when I was doing
weekend announcing at KGUY (1270) they had a Bauer 707.

Our current problem (pardon the pun) is that a vacuum relay in the phasor
literally exploded, and that killed the Harris rig.  They switched to the
Collins, and nothing happened there.  It turned out that the relay contact
shorted to ground, and they were cranking 5 kW into a dead short; somehow
the overload circuit didn't trip it off and a choke in the Collins burned
up.  There may be other challenges, too.  Parts for both of these are on
order.  We should have somebody down here from Hammett & Edison on Monday to
check out the phasor.

Ah, isn't engineering so much fun?

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