[BC] RFI stalls cars near Empire State Building

Kevin Tekel amstereoexp at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 27 20:46:47 CST 2008

Tom wrote:
> Well, DUH!  Why would you use DX mode within a mile of the transmitter, 
> anyway?

To try to hear the rimshot stations!

The FM/TV intermod on AM was quite interesting.  Sometimes you could
almost understand the audio.  It was sort of like tuning in TV audio or an
FM station on a scanner in NBFM mode.

My 1981 Mercedes 240D had an interesting solution to FM overload: instead
of a "DX/local" switch on the factory Becker radio, it had a rocker switch
on the dashboard which let you manually raise or lower its power antenna,
or even fully retract it, while listening to the radio.  And of course its
diesel engine had absolutely no electronics!  Once started, you could
totally disconnect the battery and alternator, and it would still run and
drive fine.

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