[BC] RFI stalls cars near Empire State Building

Scott Fybush scott at fybush.com
Sun Jan 27 21:39:37 CST 2008

Thomas G. Osenkowsky wrote:
> I can't believe some jerk actually posted a comment
> suggesting flying planes into the building to solve the
> issue! I reported it as abuse and recommended it be
> forwarded to law enforcement. I'd like to meet him.
> Problem would be solved right up.

It seems to me a plane flying near Empire would be in the path of a lot 
more RF than a car parked 1300 feet straight down from the antennas. I'd 
think the many setbacks on the building (which is an entire city block 
wide at street level) would do a pretty bang-up job of attenuating 
whatever downward RF is coming from all those antennas. (Which, let's 
not forget, put out little enough downward radiation so that it's safe 
for civilians to walk around outside on the 86th floor observation deck!)


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