[BC] RFI stalls cars near Empire State Building

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Mon Jan 28 09:17:39 CST 2008

Besides which, Empire's already BEEN hit by a plane.... I forget the 
date, but it was brought up right after 9/11 that if the Twin Towers had 
been built like Empire, they probably would NOT have collapsed. 

Tom S.

Scott Fybush wrote:
> Thomas G. Osenkowsky wrote:
>> I can't believe some jerk actually posted a comment
>> suggesting flying planes into the building to solve the
>> issue! I reported it as abuse and recommended it be
>> forwarded to law enforcement. I'd like to meet him.
>> Problem would be solved right up.
> It seems to me a plane flying near Empire would be in the path of a 
> lot more RF than a car parked 1300 feet straight down from the antennas.

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