[BC] RFI stalls cars near Empire State Building

Kevin Block kblock at cablerocket.com
Mon Jan 28 13:38:22 CST 2008

Are you suggesting hysteresis on the throttle motor? That's no doubt 
a possibility however, I've also noticed some delay on starter 
engagement as well. Perhaps it's more pronounced on some specific 
brands and/or models.

Mike McCarthy wrote:
>Its could also be the hysterisis of the engine as well.  I drive a 
>bunch of rentals each year and I find some engines are FAR more 
>responsive than others. Typically, the higher performance engines 
>rev very quickly whereas others take their time.  Drive by wire 
>response is potentially far quicker as the electronics can precisely 
>command the fuel flow and timing advance needed in very short order. 
>I suspect it has more to do with the emissions control than actual 
>engine hysterisis however.

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