[BC] Talk Radio losing influence?

Cowboy curt at spam-o-matic.net
Wed Jan 30 20:15:43 CST 2008

On Wednesday 30 January 2008 08:46 pm, nakayle at gmail.com wrote:
>  Since Limbaugh, Hannity, and every other conservative talk jock I know of
>  has been vehemently trying to derail McCain the past several weeks is his
>  continuing victories in Republicans primaries a sign that conservative talk
>  radio has lost it's power over listeners?  How are the ratings these days?

 No. It's just a sign that the Republican party is becoming FAR to liberal,
 as personified by the preachings of McCain, for most conservatives.

 Wouldn't worry.
 Bush has done for the Dems what Clinton did for the Repubs,
 and talk radio is reeling from it.

 You'll pretty much have it down when Limbaugh endorses Obama.
 ( film at nine..... ) (( need to "scoop" the ten O'clock news ))


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