[BC] Audacity, and what was the other one?

Mark W. Croom markc at kjly.com
Thu Jan 31 13:47:16 CST 2008

Traverso was the one Fred Gleason mentioned, I believe.

I didn't like it much on first look, but I don't like Audacity much, 
either. Same with Reaper, though it's very powerful I just don't "get" 
the interface as readily as I got it with Cool Edit back when I started 
before the turn of the century. All of these open source programs seem 
to be heavily oriented toward the multitrack, "project" type user, 
rather than a quick and dirty waveform editor like I am most of the time.

Now I'm a real Cool2000/Audition cripple I guess. And yes, I use both 
the stereo editing and the multi-track windows, but I still spend more 
time editing than mixing down.


wpio wrote:
> I believe someone posted some weeks back that, of the free editors, 
> they liked one better than Audacity.
> I have searched and don't see another Windows OS free wav editor.
> If you recall what that name was, I'd like to know and suggest it to 
> programmer on a low budget.  (might even set Cool Edit Pro aside and 
> use it myself)
> Thanks
> Randy

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