[BC] Audacity, and what was the other one?

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 17:36:15 CST 2008

Well Audacity will record up to the maximum available space on the HD - 
including screwing up the Windows Page files.  Last time I looked, I had 
something like 75 hours available.... Just be sure the CPU is running 
500 MHz or faster (faster is better; it gives the CPU time to do the 
disk write properly under W9x; I've had it stutter a few times on a 400 
MHz machine; but not on the 700 MHz Gateway, so... and not at all, of 
course, on the W2Y machines; all of which are 1.2 GHz or better.

Tom S.

Cowboy wrote:
> On Thursday 31 January 2008 02:47 pm, Mark W. Croom wrote:
>>  Traverso was the one Fred Gleason mentioned, I believe.
>>  I didn't like it much on first look, but I don't like Audacity much, 
>>  either. 
>   And I'd like to find a free wav recorder for W9x.
>  Doesn't have to edit, or any of that fancy stuff.
>  JUST record a stereo wav file and not be limited
>  to 100 minutes or less.

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