[BC] Talk Radio losing influence?

Donna Halper dlh at donnahalper.com
Thu Jan 31 18:21:56 CST 2008

At 05:15 PM 1/31/2008, you wrote:
>------ At 12:57 PM 1/31/2008, Donna Halper wrote: -------
>>I didn't say he has clout-- although studies in the mid 1990s 
>>showed that he absolutely did at that point in time.  I said he is 
>>perceived as controversial, and knowing how folks in the media (on 
>>both sides of the political aisle) love controversy, whatever he 
>>says gets lots of scrutiny and reaction.  Ditto for Howard Stern, 
>>Bill O'Reilly, and Keith Olbermann, just to name a few.
>Talk Radio has been my format for the better part of the past 20 
>years.I've seen virtually every study that's been done and can't 
>recall any that showed a host having any influence on the actions of 
>his or her audience. Maybe you've seen some I've missed.

Perception is reality,and academics who studied talk radio in the 
1990s, perceived that Rush did in fact have influence on how 
Republican listeners framed the issues, as well as on how listeners 
voted.  Here are a few examples of where I got my information (I have 
more if you want them):

Talk Radio and Public Opinion  by 
Public Opinion Quarterly > 
64, No. 2 (Summer, 2000), pp. 149-170

Misinformation, and Political Talk Radio  by 
Richard Hofstetter; 
T. Smith; 
M. Zari; 
A. Ingrassia
Research Quarterly > 
52, No. 2 (Jun., 1999), pp. 353-369

Decisions: Political Talk Radio and Vote Choice, 1994-1996  by 
C. Barker
Journal of Politics > 
61, No. 2 (May, 1999), pp. 527-539  

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