[BC] Radio station ignoring rules

Tom Spencer Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 12:00:50 CDT 2009

Not the last time I checked...

Station ID - when and what -


§ 73.1201   Station identification.

(a) When regularly required. Broadcast station identification 
announcements shall be made:

(1) At the beginning and ending of each time of operation, and

(2) Hourly, as close to the hour as feasible, at a natural break in 
program offerings. Television and Class A television broadcast stations 
may make these announcements visually or aurally.

(b) Content. (1) Official station identification shall consist of the 
station's call letters immediately followed by the community or 
communities specified in its license as the station's location[...]

I don't recall a Rule other that 73.1570 about dead carriers, but I know 
there is one - 73.1570 says that the modulation must be kept as high as 
possible -

Interesting thing, though -

73.1570 (c)

(c) If a limiting or compression amplifier is employed to maintain 
modulation levels, precaution must be taken so as not to substantially 
alter the dynamic characteristics of programs.

Which seems to say everyone must use an Optimod 8000A; or at worst an 
8100A1 for FM or a 9000 or 9100 for AM.


RichardBJohnson at comcast.net wrote:
> More WLLH
> Therefore, I have two questions;
> Is a radio station required to identify itself with its call letters?
> Is it legal to transmit a non-modulated carrier on the AM broadcast band?
> It is my opinion that if the following two questions are answered in the affirmative, then it signals the end of radio.

Tom Spencer
PG-18-25453 (nee' P1-18-48841)

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