[BC] Simian

Alan Peterson alanpeterson at earthlink.net
Wed Jul 8 19:26:59 CDT 2009

Everyone is so focused on my Rivendell mention that I fear my original "fixit" ideas got shunted off somewhere else. Let me repeat:

--- Are you getting anywhere with the Simian Users Forum? (http://support.bsiusa.com/forum/)

--- Is the length or case of the filename affecting anything? What if you remove the event entirely from *everything* and replace it with a new one called "CANSW.wav" or similar? Might that make a difference?

--- How about recording and saving the file with a different program; say with Cybercorder (http://skyhawktech.com/), or the Linux Audio Backstop on a separate dedicated machine (http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Audio/Linux-Audio-Backstop-12581.shtml)?  Even Cool Edit has a time-of-day auto-record feature. A simple script can save the file under a specific name, and all Simian has to do is look for it and update its playlist.

Is a switcher being used to direct the 1/2-hour show into the Rec Input of the computer? If so, is it possible the switcher ain't switching just right? And Simian is bailing when it sees nothing is being recorded?

Trying to help here. Really.


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