[BC] Internet attacks

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Thu Jul 9 12:04:02 CDT 2009

------ At 01:53 AM 7/9/2009, RichardBJohnson at comcast.net wrote: -------

>My Verizon DSL at my office was missing the Internet connection 
>off-and-on yesterday. The DSL LED was illuminated, but the Internet 
>LED was red and alternately flashing at the one-second rate that 
>usually means it is trying to make the PPoE connection. It is likely 
>that Verizon had major problems yesterday and it was simply blamed 
>on attackers. It is also possible that they shut down their DNS to 
>attack the attackers, sort of like shutting down a radio station 
>because the weather is bad.

Ah, that explains it. I had Verizon DSL problems yesterday, as well. 
I disconnected and reconnected everything. Rebooted and kicked the 
thing. Suddenly, with no abuse on my part, it came back to life.


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