[BC] Another computer problem

Lane Lindstrom (shop computer) lane at radiolanes.com
Mon Jul 27 20:35:21 CDT 2009


I had the same problem with some Compaq EVO mini-desktops. I installed wiped
drives and got the same "register nag". The recovery disk had no serial #
rather the COE sticker is what I used.  No luck, got fed up and just used a
corporate install version that requires no key. Then spent time getting the
correct drivers from the HP website. I figured as long as I have the COE
sticker all is good.  Not sure what the hang up was, but did have the same
problem with our daughters laptop....it was a Dell. I didn't even try
contacting them!  I have done the 2K to XP route as Tom mentioned, and it
works but takes a lot of extra time. Might be something to do with how old
the computers are.

Good luck

Lane Lindstrom

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