[AF] environmental vapors

Barry Mishkind barry at oldradio.com
Thu Aug 22 14:38:42 CDT 2019

At 11:02 AM 8/22/2019, Mike Vanhooser via AF wrote:
>Seriously?  You really believe that is going to happen?  Have you not bothered to look at the real science?  The sea level rise is not having an impact on anything.  In reality, it has been slowing since the 1950s.  Much of the alleged "rise" in many areas has actually been shown to be erosion.

        It is clear that some of the islands in the Caribbean or South Pacific
        are losing land area. Some many be erosion or sand build up, but
        it does seem there is a "creeping" growth in some areas.

        That said, it is clear that water use by humanity has caused
        definite effects - e.g. the Dead Sea (now Dead Seas, plural),
        with long hikes from the road, or the Sahara, which grows
        some 50 miles a year. 

        While it is pretty dramatic to see the icebergs and glaciers
        melting in Greenland, etc, and the "toll" of 400 billions of
        acre feet (??) ... it is hard to say the water level is  increasing
        faster, but, yes, I can see overall that minute raises in
        ocean level are possible.

        However, I think we all can agree, the debate is much more
        emotional and political than is healthy.  Like most everything


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