[AF] environmental vapors

donroden at hiwaay.net donroden at hiwaay.net
Sun Aug 25 12:40:16 CDT 2019

Correction .......

Thanks for the link, Mike.

I reached out to a fellow ham radio operator / UAH professor and had  
him walk over to the ATMOSPHERIC  Department.

Quoting Mike Vanhooser via AF <af at radiolists.net>:

> No, I am in the overwhelming majority.  Apparently you didn't read  
> my post previously where I debunked the ridiculous "97% statistic".
> Here it is, reprinted for your convenience and edification.
> https://www.naturalnews.com/056116_fake_news_climate_change_science_hoax.html
> This 97% is not science, this is propaganda, political agenda and subversion.

excerpt :

Wow, you mean the 97% consensus number comes from just 75 scientists  
that were hand-picked from an email survey?
Yep. Out of the hundreds of thousands of scientists in the world, only  
75 of them were selected to "count" for the climate change survey that  
every mainstream media news organization quotes as FACT.

Not quite the "settled science" you've been told, is it? In fact, it  
all looks rather shoddy.

Yet this is the sort of propaganda that passes as "real news" while  
anyone who questions obviously faulty science claims is said to be  
trafficking in "fake news."

So if "real news" is based on the cherry-picked answers from a wildly  
distorted, misrepresentative group of scientists whose responses were  
compiled by a pro-climate change "scientist" who obviously altered the  
responses to fit her own subjective beliefs, just how solid is the  
claimed authority of "real" news authenticity in the first place?

Furthermore, the very idea that science is "settled" is  
anti-scientific. Science is never really settled, since the heart of  
legitimate science is an openness to exploration, discovery and  
revolutions in new ideas that render old ideas obsolete. Yet today, we  
are told by the Ministry of Truth fact checkers and monopolistic  
purveyors of self-proclaimed "real news" that only their views are  
legitimate and no one else is allowed to even question a "settled" set  
of beliefs.

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