[BC] Some Satellite Radio Stats

Ernie Belanger armtx
Tue May 10 06:15:07 CDT 2005

>From Today's RBR.

Satellite radio attracts 
a few good men-very, very few
In 87 metropolitan markets with a collective adult population of 137,478,000, satellite radio has attracted a mostly male audience of just 681,000 or 0.5% of all adults in the 87 markets surveyed by The Media Audit. From a total sample of 117,737 respondents, only 571 adults (age 18 +) said they listened to satellite radio at least once in the past seven days (7-day cume).

As I said in a post yesterday all of radios's millions being spent or to be spent or Digital broadcasting may be for naught. With numbers like these one must seriously question if Satellite is really a threat to trestrial broadcasting.

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