[BC] Your site in view

Barry Rueger rueger
Tue May 10 08:45:05 CDT 2005

On 9 May 2005 at 19:47, DANA PUOPOLO wrote:

> Actually, Canada has a pretty accurate terrain model. They frequently
> base station separations on terrain shielding: ie: two cochannel class
> A's need only be 40 miles apart if there's a mountain range between
> them. They also employ directional antennas for allocations, etc. All
> in all, their CRTC is much more "enlightened" then our FCC. 

One of the things that Industry Canada and the CRTC do well is to  
insist that every application for a radio licence begin with an 
engineering brief that determines what frequency can be used that 
will not cause interference for anyone else.

This is particularly valuable for people starting lower power 
community stations because they can a often find a usable low power 
frequency in an otherwise crowded market.

Certainly any number of small stations have been licenced in 
situations that would have blocked them under the FCC LPFM rules.


Barry Rueger
107 Victoria Avenue South, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 2S9
Phone: 905-308-9179      Fax: 905-308-9732 
Cel: 905-979-6677
AIM ID: AppalBarry
Blog: http://www.threesquirrels.com

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