[BC] AM skywave

PeterH5322@aol.com PeterH5322
Fri May 13 15:18:24 CDT 2005

>I thought the original game plan was to allow one other station on each 
>clear channel ...

That was the 1960's plan.

After all the Class II-As went on-air, and Salem and the "usual suspects" 
had paid-off a few of those Class II-As to directionalize so that their 
west coast stations, which should have been Class I-Bs, anyway, could 
convert from limited time to full-time, and with 50 kW-U, the 
"floodgates" were opened on ANY clear channel, with the limitation 
usually being 10/1 kW, with DA-N at least, and possibly DA-2.

Some 50/5 and 50/10 stations were snuck in also.

Finally, it was every man for himself, and we now have Class Bs as close 
as just under 900 miles from ND-U Class I-As.

Checkout 1410 in southern California and Nevada.

That ex-Class III-A in Bakersfield is so hemmed in, it can't fart without 
interfering with stations of lesser class.

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