[BC] Most powerful AM radio station....
Robert Meuser
Sun Nov 13 19:02:25 CST 2005
You missed on that one. KXTA appears the biggest baddest in the West
with over 7500 mv Days although it is a DA-2. It is however, beaten by a
few Detroit stations. WWJ is also an Infinty station and is also an
example of another first class upgrade from class III. KMJ might be the
most potent coverage wise, due to the 580 frequency but WWJ and WFDF -
both Detroit - are probably the most potent in the east coverage wise.
I am guess that Detroit is the winner - they have several station with
ERPs over 500 KW. You need to have a large city that is either near
umpopulated parts of the Canadian Border or an ocean. That is the only
practical place to dump the RF at night. That alone limits the
PeterH5322 at aol.com wrote:
>In a message dated 11/13/05 2:21:15 PM, shnewman at alaweb.com writes:
>> Obviously this is going to be a DA.
>> Hint: It's not the 12 tower array near Dallas.
>Try KMJ, Fresno.
>Over 6,500 mV/m at 1 kM in the main lobe, with 50 kW into four 180 degree
>towers, and with the nulls filled to about 5 kW.
>Perhaps the finest upgrade of a Class III-A station yet implemented.
>This station was earlier 5 kW ND-U on 580, but was a Local in its original
>Incredibly, McClatchey Broadcasting owned two Locals (0.25 kW ND-U) in
>California's Central Valley, one of which, KFBK, then still under McClatchey
>ownership, became a Class I-B (50 kW-U DA-2), and the other, KMJ, became 50 kW-U
>DA-1, this under Infinity ownership.
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