[BC] On the FM Dial, Rock Is Sliding Away

khcs@juno.com khcs
Sun Nov 27 21:31:32 CST 2005

Steve observed:

>Remember the days when Top 
> 40 used to pull double-digit shares 'most everywhere?  All of the 
> aforementioned cities have large non-white populations.

and Robert replied:

What does race have to do with this???  Look who is driving that Subaru.  Its is little Johnny from the suburbs.


Yeah!  The guy from the city is driving a pimped-out Escalade!  LOL!

No, really, when I was in high school everybody (except me) was listening to Top-40, I listened to the "race music" show that was on a low-power AM in the afternoons, the jazz show on Saturday night, and occasionally to Willis Conover's Voice of America Jazz Hour.  

But, our custure has become fractionalized so much that there is no more "mass media."  When there were only 4 radio networks (including Mutual) and 4 TV networks (including Dumont) there was a limited amount of "mass" media.  Sure, there were the local stations playing bluegrass, cajun, western swing and whatever, but those only reached a limited audience.  The limited number of media choices did help to unify our culture, IMO, but now we have "multiculturalism" and a more divided society.

Glen Kippel
Palm Desert, CA

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