[BC] The future of broadcasting...

PeterH5322 peterh5322
Sat Sep 2 18:52:45 CDT 2006

>So to summarize: I do believe the Beautiful Music formats are dead. (does 
>anyone remember the panic to get rid of those formats or die?) Baby Boomers 
>are trying to act younger than they are. :) and I'm not surprised at the 
>surge in listeners to the formats you list below.

I'm over 60, and still stuck in the so-called "first decade of 
rock-'n'-roll" era, which is, roughly, 1949-1959, or 1953-1963 if you 
want to include the very early "English Invasion" artists.

The last station with a decent format like these was WSAI/1530, and it 
dish-appeared from the 'Net over a year ago.

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