[BC] The future of broadcasting...

Barry Mishkind barry
Sun Sep 3 14:16:58 CDT 2006

At 09:25 AM 9/3/2006, Rich Wood wrote
>------ At 11:55 AM 9/3/2006, Dan Kelley wrote: -------
>>LOL.  Is this a programming forum?
>Barry keeps assuring me it's a broadcasting forum, not just 
>engineering. One day you might even see a message about sales.


         the problem is that most of your programming friends
         are not contributing much to the list. Whether or not it
         is a "competitive" attitude, as you have suggested, there
         are a lot of topics that they could comment upon and
         share experiences.

         Programming comments ... and comments from
         programmers are fine.  Encouraged. That is why
         we have the Tech Assist and Tech Zone lists for
         "tech only" threads.

         BC is a general list, hoping to bring many
         broadcasters together to share the news
         of the industry, history, and experience. Tech
         is a part of that, but not the only part.


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