[BC] Tweaking AudioVault (WAS:Oh No another...)

WFIFeng@aol.com WFIFeng
Wed Sep 13 20:01:29 CDT 2006

In a message dated 09/13/2006 8:25:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
lfuss2 at cox.net writes:

> > It's not horrible, though. tedious, yes... but that is generally not a 
>>  significant obstacle for an Engineer who is skilled in PC tech.
>  But how many small stations have such a person?

That's a good question... perhaps they know someone locally who could help? 
Or their CE knows someone?

>  We only have one.  It happens all the time.  Unless we force a database
>  rebuild, it can sometimes take days for a cut to show up.

Wow! Ours has never taken more than an instant! The only "delay" is the time 
it takes for the system to mirror to/from the other box. It sounds liek there 
is something *wrong* with your system's configuration. Try asking for Eric 
Behymer when you contact BE. He is probably their *best* Tech. he should be able 
to walk you through the repair... it's probably something as simple as 
changing something in the INI file. (Perhaps there is a typo in your INI file? That 
can give it fits.)

>  It happens about once every 6 months.  We have Vault 2.

Wow... running under which OS? Ours is XP Pro

>  I used to run LIVE (not delayed) satellite programming.  It was clunky.

We have a few live feeds, too, including News at TOH. Not clunky at all. We 
use it in Live Assist mode every morning, and Saturday mornings and afternoons. 
100% automated from 12pm to sign-off daily, and 100% from sign-on to off on 
Sundays. It is very reliable. Of all the errors we've had with the system, 
probably only a small percentage were hardware related. (We had a MoBo lock up and 
die a few years ago. That was our worst experience with the old system.) A 
very rare inexplicable "glitch", but at least 98% of all of the problems we've 
had are human-related.

>  Must be a configuration setting that allows it to go back and play a log
>  from the
>  previous week.  Mine doesn't do that.  I'd look into it, but you have to be
>  a rocket
>  surgeon to handle configuration.  Maybe I'll call support and ask.  I might
>  get a callback
>  in 3 days.

Hmmm... does yours use the same log filenames every week? Or does it require 
dated filenames? Ours uses something of the form: 

MONLOG, TUELOG, etc. so if, for who-knows-what-reason, the new log wasn't 
entered, the system simply fetches the TUELOG at Monday midnight, and would have 
last week's. If yours is configured to use the date, then I can see why it 
would "choke" if the new log wasn't entered. It simply cycles through the same 7 
files every week in a continuous loop. My job is to make sure that the next 
day's log is entered before I leave for the day. On Fridays, I make sure that 
the Sat, Sun, and Mon logs are in before I leave.

It's not a terribly difficult thing to change, just change the last line of 
each of the 7 days' logs... but you had better check with your Traffic Dept, 
first, before you change the filenames of your logs! The problem could be 
related to what they're doing. If they change to a MON-SUN system, then your 
"missing log" problem will be less serious. You'll *have* a log, it just won't have 
the right spots.


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