[BC] Tweaking AudioVault (WAS:Oh No another...)
Larry Fuss
Wed Sep 13 20:20:37 CDT 2006
> > It's not horrible, though. tedious, yes... but that is generally not a
>> significant obstacle for an Engineer who is skilled in PC tech.
> But how many small stations have such a person?
>That's a good question... perhaps they know someone locally who could help?
Or their CE knows someone?
Locally? In American Samoa? ROTFLMAO.
> We only have one. It happens all the time. Unless we force a database
> rebuild, it can sometimes take days for a cut to show up.
> Wow! Ours has never taken more than an instant! The only "delay" is the
it takes for the system to mirror to/from the other box. It sounds liek
is something *wrong* with your system's configuration. Try asking for Eric
Behymer when you contact BE. He is probably their *best* Tech. he should be
to walk you through the repair... it's probably something as simple as
changing something in the INI file. (Perhaps there is a typo in your INI
file? That
can give it fits.)
The INI files were done entirely by BE. I'm afraid to try anything myself.
I'll ask Eric next time I talk to him.
> It happens about once every 6 months. We have Vault 2.
Wow... running under which OS? Ours is XP Pro
Windows 2000.
> Must be a configuration setting that allows it to go back and play a log
> from the
> previous week. Mine doesn't do that. I'd look into it, but you have to
> a rocket
> surgeon to handle configuration. Maybe I'll call support and ask. I
> get a callback
> in 3 days.
> Hmmm... does yours use the same log filenames every week? Or does it
dated filenames?
Ah-ha. But we use ABC LocalMax, which uses dated logs, so looks like I'm
tied into
that method of operation. Oh well.
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