[BC] Zoning issues / Cell Tower

Larry Albert larry.albert
Thu Sep 21 11:11:54 CDT 2006

   I thought that cell phone towers were specifically given exemption from 
local jurisdiction.

   Anybody want to put up a "cell tower" with base insulator ???

   Care, Tuning and Feeding your cell tower at AM frequencies ...

   If I am wrong this would not be the first time.


At 09:31 AM 9/21/06 -0500, you wrote:
>There was a STATE supreme court case in NH which found the local zoning 
>people can not categorically exclude towers for AM broadcasting. The court 
>found FCC has specific jurisdiction over their siting and that reasonable 
>accomodations must be made for the sitng of those towers.

< SNIP >

>Beyond that, the locals are fighting tooth and nail not to loose the level 
>of oversight they have now.  And the feds have generally agreed that 
>zoning/land use is a local issue best left to the locals.

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