[BC] TV Set/Converter

R A Meuser rameuser at ieee.org
Tue Jan 1 06:49:44 CST 2008

If the converter boxes are up to the current standards, your friend will 
wish the he/she made the switch years ago. If buying a new TV is an 
option,Then LCD is the best choice. I  do not think that CRTs are even a 
viable option as they  are illegal in most of the world and I am not 
sure they are even manufactured anymore. The key is which version tuner 
is included.

Ronald Johnson wrote:
> A friend with limited fiscal resources and constrained to a "rabbit ears"
> antenna. The lease prohibits an external antenna, or any wall atachments.
> How well would a converter box work and what will it cost verses 
> purchase of
> a new TV. Cable TV is expensive, but not totally excluded, if its the sole
> option.
> As an option, I've been asked to recommend a smaller HDTV full resolution
> screen (about 20-30 inches.) Any purchase must be cost effective, reliable,
> and not subject to next generation obsolescence.
> Next question? What type of display offers a long term , non shifting
> display? Plasma, LCD, LED'S or the reliable CRT? Internet searches prove
> confusing. Consumer periodicals aren't much better.
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