[BC] TV Set/Converter

Bruce Doerle bdoerle at mail.ucf.edu
Tue Jan 1 07:54:14 CST 2008

I detest going to Wal-mart, but they were open last night when I wanted to get some sparkly beverage.  I was in the express checkout line and this guy in front of me had a digital 20" CRT television; it was priced at $149.99.  I suspect it had $150 quality  (that is the quality that eye glasses can't help) and was most likely made in China and imported to the US via the massive Wal-Mart seatrain.  But apparently they are still out there.  I did mention to the guy that he could do just as well at a sale at Best buy or Circuit City with an LCD TV of that size.  I found that he was buying it for his girl friend and was just trying to make browny points for the evening.

My real take on this is that China is trying to win the economic war by polluting us to death.

>>> R A Meuser <rameuser at ieee.org> 1/1/2008 7:49 AM >>>

If the converter boxes are up to the current standards, your friend will 
wish the he/she made the switch years ago. If buying a new TV is an 
option,Then LCD is the best choice. I  do not think that CRTs are even a 
viable option as they  are illegal in most of the world and I am not 
sure they are even manufactured anymore. The key is which version tuner 
is included.

Ronald Johnson wrote:
> A friend with limited fiscal resources and constrained to a "rabbit ears"
> antenna. The lease prohibits an external antenna, or any wall atachments.
> How well would a converter box work and what will it cost verses 
> purchase of
> a new TV. Cable TV is expensive, but not totally excluded, if its the sole
> option.
> As an option, I've been asked to recommend a smaller HDTV full resolution
> screen (about 20-30 inches.) Any purchase must be cost effective, reliable,
> and not subject to next generation obsolescence.
> Next question? What type of display offers a long term , non shifting
> display? Plasma, LCD, LED'S or the reliable CRT? Internet searches prove
> confusing. Consumer periodicals aren't much better.
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