[BC] Choices

Cowboy curt at spam-o-matic.net
Tue Jan 1 10:29:31 CST 2008

On Monday 31 December 2007 10:08 pm, Daniel wrote:
 >  You must keep in mind, while we're all complaining about the creation
 >  of new signals, the idea is to provide additional choice. And though
 >  that's often failed to come true, would you prefer that the audience
 >  not have choice and simply be listening to your product by default?
 >  Better for your business but not for the consumer.

  It's been discussed many times, and the conclusion is always the same.
  People bally-hoo about more choice, more choice, more choice, but
  when checked on what they do, not what they say, they don't want
  choice at all. They want reliability, and repeatability.

  People have been given more choice, more choice, and generally those
  choices fail, because very few, if any, ever choose them.

  Yes, people want three or four to choose from, but not three or four hundred.
  AND they certainly don't want the same 3 or 4 repackaged into hundreds
  of same old same old.


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