[BC] Choices

Al Stewart stewarta at westcreston.ca
Tue Jan 1 10:34:07 CST 2008

Yeah ... 3 or 4 to choose from ... but not necessarily the same 3 or 
4 as the neighbors.

------ At 09:29 AM 01/01/2008 -0700, Cowboy wrote: -------

>It's been discussed many times, and the conclusion is always the same.
>  People bally-hoo about more choice, more choice, more choice, but
>  when checked on what they do, not what they say, they don't want
>  choice at all. They want reliability, and repeatability.
>  People have been given more choice, more choice, and generally those
>  choices fail, because very few, if any, ever choose them.
>  Yes, people want three or four to choose from, but not three or 
> four hundred.
>  AND they certainly don't want the same 3 or 4 repackaged into hundreds
>  of same old same old.
-------------- END QUOTE ---------------------

Al Stewart
stewarta at westcreston.ca
stewarta at kootenay.com

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