[BC] The RIAAfia

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Tue Jan 1 10:55:35 CST 2008

------ At 03:26 AM 1/1/2008, WFIFeng at aol.com wrote: -------

>No invoice, no purchase. PlayMPE is a special WEB-based application where a
>station can log in and download as many or as few songs as they 
>wish, all 100%
>free. No receipt, nothing... just the songs, themselves. The artists/labels
>pay the "freight". In exchange the stations play their songs. It's agreat
>system, because it levels the playing field. For years, some Labels 
>didn't want to
>send music to small stations, like WFIF. Now, it doesn't cost them 
>extra to add
>the small guys to their lists! :)

In that case it qualifies as a promotional copy. I'd still recommend 
you have some proof of where you got the material when the RIAA 
accuses you of stealing it.


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