[BC] TV Set/Converter

Rik van Riel riel at surriel.com
Tue Jan 1 11:35:56 CST 2008

On Tue, 01 Jan 2008 09:20:04 -0500
"Bruce Doerle" <bdoerle at mail.ucf.edu> wrote:

> Firstly, you are going to find the reception quality of rabbit ears much better with
> digital than analog: you either have it or you don't!

There are a number of good amplified indoor TV antennas available,
since amplification can help a fair amount for DTV reception.

In our last apartment we did not have cable, but got all of the
digital TV signals from Boston on a Terk TV-5, including the ones
that antennaweb said would require a large outdoor directional


The price of that antenna seems to have dropped to under $30.

All rights reversed.

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