[BC] TV Set/Converter

JYRussell at academicplanet.com JYRussell at academicplanet.com
Fri Jan 4 09:29:05 CST 2008

   Sony and a couple of others have the  SDTV machines around for a couple
of hundred bucks, be they flat-screen or curved.

   My folks picked one up at BestBuy a few months ago, and, it has no
problems picking up and using the HDTV signal off the Dallas stations, on a
standard outdoor antenna.  Also still uses the analog signals from same.

  That's probably how I'll go, hardware wise, at least until things get to
the point that receivers have to be permissioned (by the providers) for a
'reasonable' yearly rate... then to heck with it all. I'm pretty sure the
'pay for tv' will start with the 'special program' stuff like boxing,
playboy tv, etc. exactly like it did on the other services... which is
exactly why I never fiddled with them to start with , even when I did live
in their cable, satellite, etc. service areas.

For whatever reason, I still feel like I'm watching a giant computer screen.
Sorry.  Even at a friends house, with the newest latest greatest wall-sized
HDTV Plasma with full HD content and BluRay disc, it's still just TV.
Only *really* expensive now.

   sigh. As much as anything I'm disappointed that all the Spanish channels
have opted to not use their SAP to keep the english audio available for the
programs they air - generally the Spanish channels in our area play lots
better movies than the english channels.

(ever heard Weird Al's 'Fred New 2000" TV' song? <ggg>)

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