[BC] TV Set/Converter

Harold Hallikainen harold at hallikainen.com
Tue Jan 1 15:49:58 CST 2008

>>>> "Ronald Johnson" <w2wu at verizon.net> 1/1/2008 7:36 AM >>>
> A friend with limited fiscal resources and constrained to a "rabbit
> antenna. The lease prohibits an external antenna, or any wall
> How well would a converter box work and what will it cost verses
> of
> a new TV. Cable TV is expensive, but not totally excluded, if its the

That provision of the lease MAY be void. See
http://sujan.hallikainen.org/FCC/FccRules/2008/1/4000/ .

Following up on this, we have a Hitachi 43F300 TV. It has various analog
video inputs and will display 1080i when driven with component video. To
reduce the number of boxes sitting under the TV, I'd like a DVR with ATSC
tuner that will drive this TV. We don't have CATV or DBS, but, instead,
use an outside yagi antenna on a rotor. It'd be nice if it also had an
Ethernet interface for showing online video and for configuration through
a web browser (instead of having to navigate numerous menus through an IR
remote control). It also should have a DVD (perhaps high definition) drive
to, again, reduce the number of boxes.

So, what do you guys suggest for such a box? Or should I build my own?



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