[BC] TV Set/Converter

Don Little DL-Little at wiu.edu
Wed Jan 2 10:37:27 CST 2008

I picked up a Memorex ATSC/NTSC DVR DVD-RW at Wally World for $200. I purchased the 2 year extended warranty (for $17)because I'm pretty sure it will die before the warranty is out.

It has HDMI/component/svhs/and composite video outputs as well as analog and digital audio outputs.  

My main complaints are: The tuner does not have a program guide, the harddrive to DVD dubbing is in real time, and the buttons on the remote are tiny.

It is suppose to have a QAM tuner, but I don't have cable to try that function.

There are several recording qualities on both the hd and dvd.  The timer record function does work, I've used it on both the hd and dvd.

Don Little
UHDS Electronic Tech
Western Illinois University

----- Original Message -----
From: "Harold Hallikainen" <harold at hallikainen.com>

Following up on this, we have a Hitachi 43F300 TV. It has various analog
video inputs and will display 1080i when driven with component video. To
reduce the number of boxes sitting under the TV, I'd like a DVR with ATSC
tuner that will drive this TV. We don't have CATV or DBS, but, instead,
use an outside yagi antenna on a rotor. It'd be nice if it also had an
Ethernet interface for showing online video and for configuration through
a web browser (instead of having to navigate numerous menus through an IR
remote control). It also should have a DVD (perhaps high definition) drive
to, again, reduce the number of boxes.

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