[BC] question for you engineers/round robin

Xen Scott xenscott at earthlink.net
Tue Jan 1 15:54:15 CST 2008

At 09:34 AM 01/01/2008 -0500, rj carpenter wrote:

>I hope I'm not completely off base, but didn't NBC feed its eastern 
>stations in a "round robin" manner as far back as the late-30s? It was 
>that way in the 40s. This was a loop that went from NYC, perhaps to 
>Boston, then through Cleveland, Chicago, ST Louis, etc., the south, 
>Washington and back to NYC.  Major points could break the loop and insert 
>audio. NYC, Chicago and Washington were certainly origination points which 
>could break the round-robin loop.

In the late 60's (before satellite), I was working in Master Control Audio
at KYW-TV, Philadelphia when we were carrying a live NBC Network program.
There was a noticeable lip-sync audio delay.  It turned out that AT&T had
fed us the video directly down from New York but the audio was arriving
via the NBC Network "round-robin" microwave path which went from NYC to
Buffalo -> Cleveland -> Chicago -> St. Louis -> Nashville -> Atlanta ->
Washington -> Baltimore and lastly Philadelphia.  Being at the tail end
of the "round-robin" was often an interesting experience.

Xen Scott 

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