[BC] Headphones

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Wed Jan 2 13:32:47 CST 2008

Dunno - I'm pretty rough with my 'phones - and other than replacing 
the cable with a longer one, and the logo falling off the sides, the 
pair of Radio Shack Nova - 10s I bought many moons ago still sound 
great.  I didn't even replace the cable until the original one 
developed a break where it flexed once too often at the muff shell...

Oh, and IIRC, they were about $15 new when I bought 'em....

Tom S.

WFIFeng at aol.com wrote:
>Dude... stop being "rough with your stuff" and it will last a whole 
>lot longer! 3 pairs of $20 headphones per year is $60. (Just pulling 
>a number out of the air.)
>We've had headphones at WFIF that lasted years, each... and an 
>airstaff of 4 was using them!
>Treat your stuff right, and it will work better, longer. :)

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