[BC] Audio Cable

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Wed Jan 2 14:27:36 CST 2008


According to the specs, 8451 and 9451 are basically the same cable; the 
biggest difference I saw (I did just skim the page, though) was the 9451 
available in several colors of jacket - which would be useful,, of course. 

Now 8 4 5 ZERO is the SOLID version... are you sure you weren't 
referring to that?  I despise solid cable; it invariably breaks about 15 
seconds before being needed for a critical broadcast.

Tom S.

Mike Phillips wrote:
> Glen Kippel wrote:
>> I have typically used Belden 9451 or an equivalent from Gepco.  The 
>> shield
>> that is bonded to the outer jacket makes it easier to strip.  However, I
>> would not be adverse to trying CAT-5.
> I think 9451 is what I was trying to remember as I HATED stripping 
> 8450/1.
> Thanks for all the responses.

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