[BC] Getting phones on the air

Dana Puopolo dpuopolo at usa.net
Wed Jan 2 13:02:41 CST 2008

In the late '70's I was a CE in Pittsburgh. One day our AM went off. 
I went to the TX and found no audio there. I called telco and soon it 
came back on. The problem: a bad tube in the program amp.


------ Original Message ------
Received: Tue, 01 Jan 2008 09:35:16 PM EST
From: RLO2L at aol.com

Back in the late 1980's I had the job of decommissioning the analog 
service out of the South Bend Long Lines office on Scott Street. As 
we were turning down the service and moving over to newer facilities, 
we discovered that there were still some 5-8 kHz Program Audio 
Circuits working over the old 102 and 104 triode vacuum tube amplifiers!

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