[BC] Ebay Scam

Xmitters at aol.com Xmitters at aol.com
Wed Jan 2 10:30:30 CST 2008

In a message dated 1/1/08 5:01:31 AM Central Standard Time, 
broadcast-request at radiolists.net writes:

> No. I'll repeat. The seller indicated it would be shipped at the USPS 
>  flat rate which would have guaranteed me delivery in two business 
>  days. There are two sizes of boxes that qualify as well as the flat 
>  rate letter. Had he been honest with me and said part of the extra 
>  cost was for packing material I wouldn't have had a problem. As it 
>  was, it was sent in a reused small box with no packing at all.
>  Rich 


Some of your experience can be related to semantics. To me a flat rate means 
postage and packaging. perhaps the ebay sellers (me included) should say flat 
rate Postage and Handling. That would be more clear. I can see the potential 
for misunderstanding. 

If the item was promised shipment USPS Priority and shipped a slower class or 
if the item was broken when you got it, then slam the guy with negative 
feedback; he did not do what he promised. The postage and handling issue sounds
like a misunderstanding, and I can see why you're not happy. Perhaps the shippe
made an honest mistake. I've done that; one chap wanted his package sent a 
different way and I sent it USPS Priority by mistake. (he wanted it sent cheape
rate)  I just had too much S*** to mail that day :-D

99% of Ebay people are honest, decent people and they will work with you if 
there is a problem. I buy stuff for the radio station on Ebay occasionally, and
was very happy with an exciter for the station on Ebay; good deal :-)  Can't 
sell surplus because our equipment is state owned. Disposal options do not 
include Ebay.

There is however a box on the disposition paperwork  to check saying that the 
item was eaten; Illinois owns livestock and thus, it has an inventory tag.  
When I surplus my old transmitter, I'm going to tell them that I ate it :-)  
Doctor says I have to improve my iron intake :-D.

Jeff Glass, BSEE CSRE
Chief Engineer
Northern Illinois University

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