[BC] Audio Cable

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Wed Jan 2 21:07:24 CST 2008

Strange - I always figured Opposites, you know... red = green, black = 
white.  never had a phasing problem.

Some of the bigger multipair cables were a bit trickier...

 From what I've seen of the zipcord, I'd have to agree about bundling 
various runs, though.

Tom S.

Alan Alsobrook wrote:
> From the vast number of stations I've been in it seems no one can make 
> up their mind as to which of the Green/White wires is the high side. 
> every time I walk into a previously wired site I find that either one 
> may be used, Often times in the same plant.
> Hence I use the Gepco zip cord, red/black on the left red/black on the 
> right, no problem, no errors. Add to that I don't have to do anything 
> special just separate the cable down the middle and send one half to 
> each channel. Each channel also retains it's own drain wire and 
> shielding, with nothing shared.
> Tom wrote:
>> it to before soldering.  Before assembling to the shell, slip the 
>> removed outer jacket over the second (Green/White) pair, and the free 
>> end of the drain wire, and run the resulting cable back through the 

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