[BC] Audio Cable

Cowboy curt at spam-o-matic.net
Thu Jan 3 07:58:09 CST 2008

On Wednesday 02 January 2008 10:07 pm, Tom wrote:
>  Strange - I always figured Opposites, you know... red = green, black = 
>  white.  never had a phasing problem.

 Like Alan, I've seen it both ways.

 Left to my own devices, lowest low to highest high, and since
 ( with exception of a trailer ) in almost any application, green is
 ground, so green is the lowest low. White is generally a common,
 or neutral, which I take to be potentially "higher" than ground.
 If you have ANY Cat-X cable in the plant, white is hot, so for

 Beyond that, I'll generally fall back on standard telco color codes.
 Regardless, YOU have to live with it when I leave, so if you have
 a preference, it's a good idea to make sure that I know what that
 is, else you'll likely get a published standard. 
 The plastic doesn't care, but you might.


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