[BC] Radio World Postage Request

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Thu Jan 3 09:24:00 CST 2008

In December many of us received an email request, allegedly from 
Radio World, requesting a contribution to offset their postage costs. 
Radio World hasn't responded publicly to many who suspect it was a 
phishing scam. Some advertisers have said their account executives at 
the magazine knew nothing about the mass emailing.

I sent the $5.00 requested electronically and it appeared on my 
account as GOVRMNT VIDEOTECH E with a charge of $5.00. I've had the 
bank investigate the charge and they've given me a contact number for 
the company that charged the account. If you fear it might be a 
problem, the number associated with the charge is 212-378-0489. I 
called the number and it was answered as Newbay Media. The gentleman 
who answered tracked down my account and verified they had received my $5.00.

It appears to be a legitimate Newbay account and not a phishing 
expedition. He's checking further to be sure there's no problem.


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