[BC] Short AM Tower

Richard Fry rfry at adams.net
Thu Jan 3 13:42:44 CST 2008

Larry Lamoray wrote:
>Have a client trying to use a 100 ft tower for AM on 1230.
>200 feet is prohibited by local ordinance. :-((
>Any suggestions as to how to make the best of a bad situation?

A quick look with NEC hints that a 100' monopole with 2' faces used with 
120 radials each at least 1/4-wave long could just make 241 mV/m at 1 km 
for 1 kW of applied power if the total of the r-f ground and matching loss 
was ~ 4 ohms.  The SWR bandwidth when optimized for 1230 kHz shows to be 
less than 1.3:1 at +/- 10 kHz.

Adding some top loading would make it all easier.

Might be worth checking out with your consultant.


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