[BC] Short AM Tower

JKBurger xlchief at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 3 18:39:11 CST 2008


Thanks for the response.  I sort of knew the answer because we have been working with Ron Rackley on our project (moving KTRB-AM from Modesto to San Francisco), and until we finish I will probably as the question periodically just in case something changes.

We are already on the air (24/7) in SF from what is supposed to be our nighttime site, but our seperate daytime site has been held up by local issues (NIMBY).  The Kingdom of Sonoma doesn't like our proposed 600' towers.  So far the county's concerns have trumped Federal authorization.


----- Original Message ----
From: Bobby Cox <bcox at kintronic.com>
To: Broadcasters' Mailing List <broadcast at radiolists.net>
Sent: Thursday, January 3, 2008 2:01:04 PM
Subject: Re: [BC] Short AM Tower


While it's technically feasible to use the Kinstar in a directional
array, the FCC has only approved it's use for non-directional operation.

They haven't ruled out it's possible approval for DA use in the future,
but this is not coming anytime soon.  Technical questions would have to
be resolved regarding it's DA use, such as how an effective sampling
system would be designed, how close the elements can be spaced before
the mutual effects between the adjacent radiators perturb the symmetry
of the currents in the tophat elements, etc.

In summary, it's only for Non-D use.

Best Regards,

Bobby Cox , Ph.D.
Senior Staff Engineer
Kintronic Laboratories, Inc.
Phone:  423-878-3141
Fax: 423-878-4224
Email:  bcox at kintronic.com

-----Original Message-----
From: JKBurger
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 2:05 PM

Can the Kinstar be used for directional arrays, or is it limited to non-d?



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