[BC] Breaking out 8723 to Two Connectors...

Dana Puopolo dpuopolo at usa.net
Thu Jan 3 15:01:24 CST 2008

I use Green for left minus as well. I figure that green usually means 
ground-the lowest potential-so it should be -.

------ Original Message ------
Received: Thu, 03 Jan 2008 10:58:01 AM EST
From: "Burt I. Weiner" <biwa at earthlink.net>
Subject: [BC] Breaking out 8723 to Two Connectors...

That's exactly what I do with the exception that I use white/green as 
the left pair since red has commonly been used as a right channel 
indicator.  I also slip a piece of green colored bark over the drain 
wire going to the right channel connector.  The white lead is + while 
the green lead is -.  For the right pair, the red is + and the black 
is -.  I use a super-fine Pilot marker pen to write on the cable 
itself where it goes to or what it is.

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