[BC] Audio Cable

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Thu Jan 3 19:47:06 CST 2008

Tom, I think you're reaching, here...

Thomas G. Osenkowsky wrote:
>> Not wanting to contradict Mr. O... but umpteen years of hands-on 
>> experience says at audio frequencies, the few inches difference between 
>> the pairs when employing the break-out described is negligible in terms 
>> of audio propagation.  And properly constructed, L and R in the same 
>> connector is also a very minor contributor to crosstalk..

> What you may define or quantify as "very minor" may be major or
> significant to others. I remember when the SP-10 turntable was
> introduced. There were few available instruments that could
> accurately measure the rumble from the direct drive motor! We
> today measure THD, IMD, crosstalk and CMRR into very low
> values such as .001% or -102 dB and so on. Audio cables usually
> do not carry pure sine waves. Transient and square wave response
> are critical for accurate transmission and reproduction.
Not saying it isn't... and I recall the SP-10, as well.
> Yes, writing on a conductive connector body CAN affect audio!
> The reflection of light would be different thus causing a temperature
> differential between channels. This is why identifiers are placed on
> the CABLE before the connector. Also helps if the connector has
> to be changed. The tag remains.
Depends on the tag; I've seen cables that had to be cut back - where's 
the label?
And "light falling on the connector"?  INSIDE a rack or cabinet?  Not in 
the racks and cabinets I've seen, unless they're opened up for 
servicing.  Maybe 5 minutes a week, if that.
> Your real world experiences and those of others may vary
> significantly. That is why we have standards and practices. To maintain
> uniformity and quality. YMMV.
> Tom Osenkowsky, CPBE
Indeed!  Although there are several variations on that theme - see 
elsewhere where there's a difference of opinion on the correct polarity 
for the green/white pair in Belden 8723.  PERSONALLY - I've never seen 
any problems with writing on the connector... I HAVE seen labels written 
on, or affixed to, the cable dissolve or come apart - or the "clear" 
shrink tubing used to protect the label from such a fate yellows to the 
point of opacity.  I don't think there's a perfect, one-size-fits-all 
solution, either - I merely relate my own experiences with what works 
for me - Your Mileage May very well Vary.

Tom S.

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