[BC] Short AM Tower

Dana Puopolo dpuopolo at usa.net
Thu Jan 3 22:54:22 CST 2008

I carry in a small (4' or so) piece of the tower I plan to use, and bring it
out. People look at it and generally say: "all this hassle over THAT?"


------ Original Message ------
Received: Thu, 03 Jan 2008 08:09:22 PM EST
From: "Wayne Woollard" <woollard at inreach.com>

You might go to the local Planning Commission and request a 
Variance.  Prepare your exhibit and prepare an acceptable drawing of 
a nice little 18 inch tower at 180' and another of a 100 foot tower 
that had a 4 foot face, and explain to the commission that this is 
what the foreshortened version would have to look like to get the 
bandwidth necessary to compete in this  profession.

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