[BC] audio cable

Mario Hieb mario at xmission.com
Thu Jan 3 22:55:11 CST 2008

At 06:57 PM 1/3/2008, you wrote:
>From: "Thomas G. Osenkowsky" <tosenkowsky at prodigy.net>
>Subject: Re: [BC] Audio Cable
>In contradicting Mr. O. you raise some points that require
>clarification. You are mixing apples and oranges. Theory with
>practice. Propagation refers to the radiation of signals through a
>medium such as the air whereas crosstalk in a connector is mainly
>attributed to the resistive, capacitive and inductive properties of the
>dielectric employed in the connector which insulates the pins from
>each other.

Propagation through air means the dielectric is air; through a cable, 
the dielectric is polypropylene, etc. Still whatever you call it, 
refering to propagation or crosstalk, they are electromagnetic waves.

Also, dielectrics alone do not have resistive, capacitive or 
inductive properties. A capacitor requires a dielectric between two 
conductive plates, an inductor requires an insulator (dielectric) 
between windings.

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