[BC] STL and Translator ID

Paul B. Walker, Jr. walkerbroadcasting at gmail.com
Thu Jan 3 22:57:17 CST 2008

All of the full power stations in the 
Greenville=Spartanburg-Asheville market have several tranjslators one 
of them having 7 or 8.

At the top of the hour, I can re call hearing "You're watch WHNS Fox 
Carolina on Channel 25 and these following translators" with the WHNS 
ID in text under the logo in the middle of the screen, along with the 
translators ID'd in text on either side of the logo.. this was done a 
few times a day.

i know Channel 13 and Channel 4 do it this way was well...

i have seen some stations, LPTV's or translators that are part of a 
network just run a scroll at the bottom of the screen.


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